
Showing posts from October, 2023


  DATE:  27 OCTOBER 2023  WEEK: 4 TOPIC : PREPARATION OF GROWING MEDIUM INTRODUCTION:  For this week, we are given the task to learn and do how to make a growing medium preparation which is we are doing the soil mixture. There have a few types of soil that we use to mix it which is topsoil, sand and organic matter is the main media in ratio 3:2:1. The function of soil mixture is to provide the nutrient for the plants or we called it as a booster for that plant. After finish the the process of soil mixture, we put the soil into the polybags for later use. The polybag must be filled with 3/4 of the requirement amount of dirt. OBJECTIVE: -To learn how to prepare the growing medium -To know the types of soil -To know the function of soil mixture TOOLS  AND EQUIPMENTS :        ACTIVITY 6:00 am  - Subuh prayer's together at Surau 7:30 am -morning exercise -Asmaul Husna recitation, tazkirah and doa (recitation) - Sing a natinal anthems, wawasa...


 DATE:  20 OCTOBER 2023  WEEK:  3 TOPIC : IDENTIFICATION, LABELING AND INVENTORY OF CROPS PLANTS INTRODUCTION:   In this week, we have been given the task to learn and do how to pruning the trees at the fruits plot which is there's have a many types of Durian's tree. Also not forget about our plot angkat which is Nursery. We also do a few activities there. OBJECTIVE: - To learn how to do the pruning on trees -To know the tools and equipment for pruning -To remove unwanted branches -To improves the trees structure TOOLS  AND EQUIPMENTS :                                                                               GLOVE                                        ...


 DATE: 13 OCTOBER 2023  WEEK: 2 TOPIC : SITE SELECTION AND PREPARATION INTRODUCTION: In this week, we are starting with field maintenance by doing the land clearing at lemongrass plot. The function of land clearing is to remove all of the weed or we called it as a unwanted plant from the plot. The function of land clearing is to avoid the weed absorb the nutrient from the plant. OBJECTIVE: -To know the function of land clearing. - To know the tools and equipment that has been used. -To know how to doing land clearing and how to use the tools and equipment. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT         ACTIVITY 7:30 am -morning exercise -Asmaul Husna recitation, tazkirah and doa (recitation) -Planter's talk 8:00 am - Taking an attendance 8:30 am -All of the students moving to plot herb's and cocoa -Taking the tools and equipment from the Bengkel Ladang. -The lecture start giving the briefing about the land preparation and also how to do the land preparation. he also tel...


  DATE : 6 OCTOBER 2023 WEEK : 1 TOPIC  :  BRIEFING ON COURSE ASSESSMENT PLAN, TASKS, DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS AND ENTRANCE EXIT SURVEY (EES) INTRODUCTION:  In this week, we are starting with briefing from our lecture about our course of FPA150 and also the lesson plan through this semester. OBJECTIVE: -To know what we are going to learn in this semester TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT In this we doesn't use any tools and equipment yet. ACTIVITY 7:30 am -morning exercise -Asmaul Husna recitation, tazkirah and doa (recitation) -Planter's talk 8:00 am - Taking an attendance 8:30 am -All of the students moving to their plot 10:30am  - We are moving to our plot which is the Nursery Plot and the lecture are starting to briefing about the course and the assessment. 11:15am -After finish the briefing session, we are giving the time to see and learn a few of the plants that have at the nursery. 12:00pm - All of the students has been allowed to go back. OBSERVATION There's a few of the...